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Liyana The Lawyer

Sexual harassment consists of a single or a series of unwelcoming conduct of a sexual nature that is perceived by the recipient to be intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive, with the intent to violate the dignity of the recipient.
So what can you do if you are sexually harassed?
According to AWAM (All Women’s Action Society) ‘s website:
1. Firmly inform the harasser that their behavior is unwanted and that you want them to stop doing it immediately. Here are some examples of how you can do so:
“I do not want or like what you are doing. Please stop.”
“I feel really uncomfortable when you do/say/etc. to me like this. Please don’t do this anymore.”
“If you touch/say/do this again, I will be reporting this to (a specific individual or Party)”
2. Document the incident. Include details such as place, date, time, nature of harassment, the harasser, and your relationship to that person. Save any evidence that you may have from the incident (notes, messages, photos, audio recordings, videos etc)
3. Confide in someone whom you trust (parents, friends, etc)
4. Reach out to women’s rights NGOs such as AWAM to discuss your case. AWAM provides free legal information and counselling services.
5. Lodge a police report.
Your report should contain the following details:
When did the incident occur?
Where did the incident occur?
What and how did the incident happen?
Who was involved in the incident?
Any physical, psychological or emotional impact(s)?
Why is the report being lodged – do you seek for further action to be taken (action report), or do you only intend for your case to be documented (case report)?
You can contact us at 012-3640086 or 012-3647290 for support and guidance on drafting the police report.