Discharge of Contract by Performance
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Discharge of Contract by Performance

Section 38(1) Contracts Act 1950 stated that parties to contract must either perform or offer to perform their respective promises, unless such performance has been dispensed with by any law. General Rule is the performance must be exact and precise in accordance with what have been agreed. Section 39(1) Contracts Act 1950 Where a party…

Penamatan Kontrak melalui Prestasi
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Penamatan Kontrak melalui Prestasi

Seksyen 38(1) Akta Kontrak 1950 menyatakan bahawa pihak-pihak dalam kontrak mesti melaksanakan atau menawarkan untuk melaksanakan janji masing-masing, kecuali prestasi tersebut dikecualikan oleh mana-mana undang-undang.  Peraturan umum adalah prestasi mesti tepat dan terperinci mengikut apa yang telah dipersetujui. Seksyen 39(1) Akta Kontrak 1950 Apabila satu pihak telah membuat tawaran untuk melaksanakan kontrak, tetapi ditolak oleh…